**All images, and writings are property of P. A. Wolcott, and may not be used for any other purposes without the written permission of the author.**
Tuesday 16th July - Day 10
Morning drop off, to walk back to Ironsign B&B
There are a lot of these to navigate on the route
Aiden at Harlow Hill
Poppies on the path, almost back to Ironsign.
Wednesday 17th July - Day 11
Roger and me leaving for the next leg of the journey,
while Kathi & Aiden head off to Alnwick Castle in search of Harry Potter

It seemed odd not to have Aiden with us.
Aiden found Alnwick Castle
Some of the last of visible wall, before starting to head towards Newcastle
A bit about the area of Heddon on the Wall
The Tine Valley looking toward Newcastle
Thursday 18th July - Day 12 -
The last day of walking
Goodbye countryside, hello modern city

The End~
Or the beginning, depending on which way you are walking.

Certificates of Achievement
Segedunum Roman Fort, Baths and Museum
Now for two days of sight seeing in the area.
Friday 19th July - Day 13
You can't go all the way to the UK with a teen named Aiden, and not visit:
A little UK Humor in the museum
From there, we went to the Corbridge museum
Looks like I found a small piece of pottery
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