**All images, and writings are property of P. A. Wolcott, and may not be used for any other purposes without the written permission of the author.**
Click on any picture to enlarge it - it will open in a new window.
Appologies for the quality of some of the photos, they survived a house fire, and many years of storage in my garage.
The following pictures are continued from my slides and are pretty much in some form of chronological order.
Hey Joe You want Elephant Ride?
Just friends - honest mom
Outside barracks Dong Tam
Finally, a job on construction
Some of our building sights
My initials are everywhere
I told you the prints were backwards!
Sarge, is this how you got YOUR tan?
The start of a 120 man bunker
Caught him sitting on his ass, again
A guardian angel watches over you? Naaa - it's just me and my camera again
Just checking the family jewels
You watchin' me again, Sarge?
Isn't this what a Supervisor is supposed to do?
Useless Lifer
(you can tell by the tan)
You've gotta watch them every minute
Choppers in the background
I'm glad I'm not on them anymore
The start of the rainy season
Actually caught 'em working!
9th Division Headquarters
A truckload of Sandbag Dollies
Put down the Ghetto Blaster and get to work!
Exterior walls of a bunker
YAY, everybody is working!
Boys, the works over here
I can't wait to get out of here
here to go to page 3
here to go
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