**All images, and writings are property of P. A. Wolcott, and may not be used for any other purposes without the written permission of the author.**
Thursday 11th July - Day 5
Dropped off at Swainsteads - looks like it's going to be a wet day.
Aiden taking the weather in stride.
The rain is slowly moving off.
Aiden and Roger examining the first sighting of recognizable wall.
And now for something completely different.Standing in a field with cows instead of sheep.
A wooden map of Birdoswald Fort.
Wandering around Birdoswald Fort at the end of the day.
Friday 12th July - Day 6
Leaving Birdoswald Fort in the morning
We get quite a bit of wall on this part of the journey.
Thirlwall Castle
What a view! 
(and yes, the boys are way ahead of me again)
Saturday 13th July - Day 7
The view from the patio behind the George Hotel in Chollerford
Leaving Cawfield Quarry
That's the Windsills behind us - our desination for the day.
The boys took the steep climb in stride, and I was soon left behind again...
More amazing countryside - and more rain rolling in.
Leaving Carraw Farm  (Mile Castle 32)
Sunday 14th July - Day 8
I seem to do a lot of these kinds of shots.
It was so nice to watch the boys enjoying themselves exploring the country of our ancestors.
Temple of Mithras
More scenery, thistles, and clouds
Nice old Manor House!
Perfect place for a photo op.
The rolling hills of Northumberland
They throw you to the lions!
Chesters Fort
Aiden checking out the drainage system
The Bath House by the River Tyne
Monday 15th July - Day 9
St. Oswald's Church - Wall
They just helped themselves to a little Roman Artifact. After all, the Romans weren't using their altar anymore.
An original Wall Clock
So, What time is it?
Back out on the trail
St. Oswald's Church - Halton
Ironsign B&B - Our base for the next couple of nights
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